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Central Amazon Conservation Complex

Brazil Amazonian central plain, Negro River watershed,
State of Amazonas.
2º20’ S, 62º30’ W

Rio Jaъ - pedral Это самая большая охраняемая область в бассейне Амазонки ухватывает площадь в 6 миллионов гектаров, обладает самым богатым на планете разнообразием биологической жизни. Заповедник очень важен для сохранения экосистемы тропического леса, озер и рек, являющихся средой обитания большого числа редких видов животных, рыб и рептилий.

Inscribed:2000, 2003
Criteria:N (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (ii): The varzea and igapу forests, lakes, rivers, and islands of The proposed site toge Ther constitute physical and biological formations and demonstrate ongoing ecological processes in The development of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. They include a constantly changing and evolving mosaic of river channels, lakes, and landforms. The floating (and constantly moving and changing) mats of vegetation typical of The varzea watercourses include a significant number of endemic species, including The largest array of electric fishes in The world. Anavilhanas contains The second largest archipelago of river islands in The Brazilian Amazon.

Criterion (iv): The expanded property substantially increases The already impressive protection offered by Jaъ National Park to The biological diversity, habitats, and endangered species found in The Central Amazon region. The area is one of The Endemic Bird Areas of The World, is considered as one of The World Wildlife Fund’s 200 Priority Ecoregion for Conservation, and it is also a Centre of Plant Diversity. The expansion of Jaъ National Park to include an important sample of Varzea ecosystems, igapу forests, lakes and channels significantly increases The representation of The aquatic biodiversity of The Central Amazon region. Expansion of The site also enhance The protection of key threatened species including giant arapaima fish, The Amazonian manatee, The black caiman, and two species of river dolphin.
Brief description:

The Central Amazon Conservation Complex makes up The largest protected area in The Amazon Basin (over 6 million hectares) and is one of The planet’s richest regions in terms of biodiversity. It also includes an important sample ofvarzeaecosystems,igapóforests, lakes and channels which take The form of a constantly evolving aquatic mosaic that is home to The largest array of electric fish in The world. The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, The Amazonian manatee, The black caiman and two species of river dolphin.

Амазония Амазония Амазония Амазония
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