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The Churches of Chiloй

Chile Chiloй Province, X Region de los Lagos

Церкви представляют уникальный для Латинской Америки пример деревянной церковной архитектуры. Они иллюстрируют традиции, инициализированные иезуитской миссией Перипатетика в 17-ом и 18-ого столетиях и обогащенные францисканцами 19-ом веке. Эти церкви воплощают неосязаемое духовное богатство и переносят вас во времена слияния местной и европейской культур.

Criteria:C (ii) (iii)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion (ii): The churches of Chiloй are outstanding examples of The successful fusion of European and indigenous cultural traditions to produce a unique form of wooden architecture.
Criterion (iii): The mestizo culture resulting from Jesuit missionary activities in The 17th and 18th centuries has survived intact in The Chiloй archipelago, and achieves its highest expression in The outstanding wooden churches.

Brief description:

The Churches of Chiloй represent a unique example in Latin America of an outstanding form of ecclesiastical wooden architecture. They represent a tradition initiated by The Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in The 17th and 18th centuries, continued and enriched by The Franciscans during The 19th century and still prevailing today. These churches embody The intangible richness of The Chiloй Archipelago, and bear witness to a successful fusion of indigenous and European culture, The full integration of its architecture in The landscape and environment, as well as to The spiritual values of The communities.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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