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The Historic Centre (Chorб) with The Monastery of Saint John " The Theologian" and The Cave of The Apocalypse on The Island of Pбtmos

Greece Prefecture of Dodecanese, Province of Kбlymnos, Municipality of Pбtmos Island
37º18’ N, 26º33’ E

 The Historic Centre (Chorб) with The Monastery of Saint John The Theologian and The Cave of The Apocalypse on The Island of Pбtmos На небольшом островке Патмос в Додесанесе Святой Иоанн Богослов написал Евангелие и Апокалипсис. Расположенный здесь монастырь был основан в последней четверти 10-ого века, всегда был местом паломничества правоверных христиан. Прекрасный монашеский комплекс доминирует над островом. Древнее поселение содержит много религиозных и светских построек.

Inscribed :1999
Criteria:C (iii) (iv) (vi)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (iii): The town of Chorб on The island of Pбtmos is one of The few settlements in Greece that have evolved uninterruptedly since The 12th century. There are few o Ther places in The world where religious ceremonies that date back to The early Christian times are still being practised unchanged.
Criterion (iv): The Monastery of Hagios Ioannis Theologos (Saint John The Theologian) and The Cave of The Apocalypse on The island of Pбtmos, toge Ther with The associated medieval settlement of Chorб, constitute an exceptional example of a traditional Greek Orthodox pilgrimage centre of outstanding architectural interest.
Criterion (vi): The Monastery of Hagios Ioannis Theologos and The Cave of The Apocalypse commemorate The site where St John The Theologian (Divine), The "Beloved Disciple," composed two of The most sacred Christian works, his Gospel and The Apocalypse.

Brief description:

The small island of Patmos in The Dodecanese is reputed to be where St John The Theologian wrote both his Gospel and The Apocalypse. A monastery dedicated to The ’beloved disciple’ was founded There in The late 10th century and it has been a place of pilgrimage and Greek Orthodox learning ever since. The fine monastic complex dominates The island. The old settlement of Chorб, associated with it, contains many religious and secular buildings.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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