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Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes

France Dйpartements of Loiret, Loir-et-Cher, Indre-et-Loire, and Maine-et-Loire, Rйgions of Centre and Pays de la Loire
47º21’ N, 0º45’ W

Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes Loire Долина - невыполненный(выдающийся) культурный ландшафт большой красоты, содержа исторические города и деревни, большие архитектурные памятники (chвteaux), и выращенные страны, сформированные к многим столетиям взаимодействия между Их совокупностью и физической средой, прежде всего река Loire непосредственно.

Criteria:C (i) (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion (i): The Loire Valley is noteworthy for The quality of its architectural heritage, in its historic towns such as Blois, Chinon, Orlйans, Saumur, and Tours, but in particular in its world-famous castles, such as The Chвteau de Chambord.
Criterion (ii): The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape along a major river which bears witness to an interchange of human values and to a harmonious development of interactions between human beings and Their environment over two millennia.
Criterion (iv): The landscape of The Loire Valley, and more particularly its many cultural monuments, illustrate to an exceptional degree The ideals of The Renaissance and The Age of The Enlightenment on western European thought and design.

Brief description:

The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape of great beauty, containing historic towns and villages, great architectural monuments ( The chвteaux), and cultivated lands formed by many centuries of interaction between Their population and The physical environment, primarily The river Loire itself.

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