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Исторический центр Граца \ City of Graz – Historic Centre

Austria Province of Styria
47º4’ 23" N, 15º26’ 19" E

City of Graz – Historic Centre Исторический центр Граца представляет собой прекрасный пример городского комплекса Центральной Европы, которая в течение многих столетий находилась под управлением Габсбургов. Старый город - гармоничная смесь архитектурных стилей и форм, которые наслаивались друг на друга начиная со средневековья.

Inscribed :1999
Criteria:C (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (ii) The historic centre of The city of Graz reflects artistic and architectural movements originating from The Germanic region, The Balkans, and The Mediterranean, for which it served as a crossroads for centuries. The greatest architects and artists of These different regions expressed Themselves forcefully here and thus created brilliant syn Theses.
Criterion (iv) The urban complex forming The historic centre of The city of Graz is an exceptional example of a harmonious integration of architectural styles from successive periods. Each age is represented by typical buildings, which are often masterpieces. The urban physiognomy faithfully tells The story of its historic development.

Brief description:

Graz is a particularly fine example of a central European urban complex which experienced many centuries of Habsburg rule. The old city is a harmonious blend of The architectural styles and artistic movements that have succeeded each o Ther since The Middle Ages, toge Ther with cultural influences from The neighbouring regions.

Исторический центр Граца Исторический центр Граца Исторический центр Граца
Исторический центр Граца Исторический центр Граца Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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