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Droogmakerij de Beemster ( The Beemster Polder)

Netherlands Province of Noord-Holland
52º32’ N, 4º55’ E

Droogmakerij de Beemster Beemster Polder, датируясь с раннего 17-ого столетия, является самой старой областью исправленной земли в Нидерландах. Это сохранило неповрежденный ее хорошо - упорядоченный(заказанный) ландшафт полей, дорог, каналов, дамб и урегулирований(поселений), разместило в соответствии с классическим и Ренессанса, планирующего принципы.

Inscribed :1999
Criteria:C (i) (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (i): The Beemster Polder is a masterpiece of creative planning, in which The ideals of antiquity and The Renaissance were applied to The design of a reclaimed landscape.
Criterion (ii): The innovative and intellectually imaginative landscape of The Beemster Polder had a profound and lasting impact on reclamation projects in Europe and beyond.
Criterion (iv): The creation of The Beemster Polder marks a major step forward in The interrelationship between humankind and water at a crucial period of social and economic expansion.

Brief description:

The Beemster Polder, dating from The early 17th century, is The oldest area of reclaimed land in The Netherlands. It has preserved intact its well- ordered landscape of fields, roads, canals, dykes and settlements, laid out in accordance with classical and Renaissance planning principles.

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