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Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves

Brazil Atlantic Coast, states of Bahia and Espirito Santo,
nor Theast Brazil
15º2’ S, 39º9’ W

Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves Заповедник состоит из восьми отдельных охраняемых участков общей площадью 112000 гектаров. Тропические леса бразильского атлантического побережья самые богатые в мирев. В заповеднике произрастает большое число эндемичных видов растений, представляющих большой научный интерес.

Inscribed :1999
Criteria:N (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (ii): The Brazilian Discovery Coast includes a number of areas containing The best and largest remaining examples of Atlantic forest in The nor Theast region of Brazil and contains high numbers of rare and endemic species.
Criterion (iv): The site displays The biological richness and evolutionary history of The few remaining areas of Atlantic forest of nor Theast Brazil. The site reveals a pattern of evolution of great interest to science and importance for conservation. The fact that only These few scattered remnants of a once vast forest remain, make Them an irreplaceable part of The world’s forest heritage.

Brief description:

The Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, in The states of Bahia and Espнrito Santo, consist of eight separate protected areas containing 112,000 ha of Atlantic forest and associated shrub (restingas). The rainforests of Brazil’s Atlantic coast are The world’s richest in terms of biodiversity. The site contains a distinct range of species with a high level of endemism and reveals a pattern of evolution that is not only of great scientific interest but is also of importance for conservation.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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