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OUTDOORS.RU - портал в Мир путешествий и приключений

Historic Centre of The Town of Diamantina

Brazil State of Minas Gerais
18º14’ S, 43º36’ W

Colegio de Nostra, Diamantina Диамантина - колониальная деревня алмазодобытчиков 18-ого столетия расположена среди неприветливых скалистых гор.

Inscribed :1999
Criteria:C (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:

Criterion (ii):Diamantina shows how explorers of The Brazilian territory, diamond prospectors, and representatives of The Crown were able to adapt European models to an American context in The 18th century, thus creating a culture that was faithful to its roots yet completely original.
Criterion (iv): The urban and architectural group of Diamantina, perfectly integrated into a wild landscape, is a fine example of an adventurous spirit combined with a quest for refinement so typical of human nature.

Brief description:

Diamantina, a colonial village set like a jewel in a necklace of inhospitable rocky mountains, recalls The exploits of diamond prospectors in The 18th century and testifies to The triumph of human cultural and artistic endeavour over The environment.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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