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Город Лион / Historic Site of Lyons

France Rйgion Rhфne-Alpes
4º51’ E, 45º45’ N

Hôtel de Ville/Town Hall Долгая история Лиона, который был основан римлянами как столица Трех Галлий в I веке до н.э. и с тех пор играл одну из главных ролей в политическом, культурном и экономическом развитии Европы, ярко проиллюстрирована его городским устройством и многочисленными историческими зданиями разных эпох.

Inscribed :1998
Criteria:C (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion ii:Lyons bears exceptional testimony to The continuity of urban settlement over more than two millennia on a site of great commercial and strategic significance, where cultural traditions from many parts of Europe have come toge Ther to create a coherent and vigorous continuing community.
Criterion iv:By virtue of The special way in which it has developed spatially, Lyons illustrates in an exceptional way The progress and evolution of architectural design and town planning over many centuries.

Brief description:

The long history of Lyons, which was founded by The Romans in The 1st century B.C. as The capital of The Three Gauls and has continued to play a major role in Europe’s political, cultural and economic development ever since, is vividly illustrated by its urban fabric and The many fine historic buildings from all periods.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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