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Гранд-Пляс в Брюсселе / La Grand-Place, Brussels

Belgium City of Brussels
4º12’ E, 50º30’ N

Hôtel de Ville Площадь Гранд-Плас в Брюсселе - замечательно однородное формирование общественных и частных строений, датированных второй половиной 17-ого столетия. Архитектура площади является яркой иллюстрацией социальной и культурной жизни Брюсселя, важного политического и коммерческого центра Европы.

Inscribed :1998
Criteria:C (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion ii: The Grand-Place is an outstanding example of The eclectic and highly successful blending of architectural and artistic styles that characterizes The culture and society of this region.
Criterion iv:Through The nature and quality of its architecture and of its outstanding quality as a public open space, The Grand-Place illustrates in an exceptional way The evolution and achievements of a highly successful mercantile city of nor Thern Europe at The height of its prosperity.

Brief description:

La Grand-Place in Brussels is a remarkably homogeneous body of public and private buildings, dating mainly from The late 17th century. The architecture provides a vivid illustration of The level of social and cultural life of The period in this important political and commercial centre. La Grand-Place in Brussels is a remarkably homogeneous body of public and private buildings, dating mainly from The late 17th century. The architecture provides a vivid illustration of The level of social and cultural life of The period in this important political and commercial centre.

Гранд-Пляс в Брюсселе Гранд-Пляс в Брюсселе Гранд-Пляс в Брюсселе
Гранд-Пляс в Брюсселе Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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