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Historic Centre of Urbino

Italy Province of Pesaro, Marche Region
12º38’ E, 43º41’ N

 Theatre and Ducal Palace Urbino is a small hill town that experienced an astonishing cultural flowering in The 15th century, attracting artists and scholars from all over Italy and beyond, and influencing cultural developments elsewhere in Europe. Owing to its economic and cultural stagnation from The 16th century onwards, its Renaissance appearance has been remarkably well preserved. Urbino - маленький город холма, который испытал удивительный культурный расцвет 15-ого столетия, привлекая художников и ученых от на всем протяжении Италии и вне, и влияя на культурные события в другом месте в Европе. Вследствие его экономического и культурного застоя с 16-ого столетия вперед, его появление(вид) Ренессанса замечательно хорошо сохранилось.

Исторический центр города Урбино Inscribed :1998
Criteria:C (ii) (iv)
Criterion ii:During its short cultural pre-eminence, Urbino attracted some of The most outstanding humanist scholars and artists of The Renaissance, who created There an exceptional urban complex of remarkable homogeneity, The influence of which carried far into The rest of Europe.
Criterion iv:Urbino represents a pinnacle of Renaissance art and architecture, harmoniously adapted to its physical site and to its medieval precursor in an exceptional manner.

Brief description:

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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