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Старый город Ламу /Lamu Old Town/

Kenya Coast Province
Lamu District
2º15’ S, 40º45’ E

Lamu Old Town

Старый город Ламу - старейшее и лучше всего сохранившееся поселение суахили в Восточной Африке, до сих пор не утратившее своих традиционных функций. Город, построенный из кораллового камня и мангровой древесины, характеризуется простотой строительных форм, обогащенной такими деталями, как внутренние дворики, веранды и деревянные двери с искусной резьбой. В Ламу с XIX века проходят крупные исламские культурные праздники, город является важным центром изучения культур ислама и суахили.

Inscribed: 2001
Criteria:C (ii) (iv) (vi)
Criterion (ii) The architecture and urban structure Lamu graphically demonstrate The cultural influences that have come toge Ther There over several hundred years from Europe, Arabia, and India, utilizing traditional Swahili techniques to produce a distinct culture.
Criterion (iv) The growth and decline of The seaports The East African coast and interaction between The Bantu, Arabs, Persians, Indians, and Europeans represents significant cultural and economic phase in The history The region which finds its most outstanding expression Lamu Old Town.
Criterion (vi)Its paramount trading role and its attraction for scholars and teachers gave Lamu an important religious function in The region. It continues to be significant centre for education in Islamic and Swahili culture.

Brief description:

Lamu Old Town is The oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa, retaining its traditional functions. Built in coral stone and mangrove timber, The town is characterized by The simplicity of structural forms enriched by such features as inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors. Lamu has hosted major Muslim religious festivals since The 19th century, and has become a significant centre for The study of Islamic and Swahili cultures.

Старый город Ламу Старый город Ламу Старый город Ламу
Старый город Ламу Старый город Ламу Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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